Sundays at Oxford Pres

We meet together for worship each Sunday at 10:30am and 5:00pm at the North Gate Hall (18 St Michael’s St, OX1 2DU). Once a month after the morning service, we share lunch together. All are welcome!

Sunday Worship

Our morning and evening worship services begin and end the day with the preaching of God’s word, prayer and praise. Once a month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper after the services tea and coffee are served and we enjoy spending time together.

All of our services are live-streamed on YouTube, or visit our Teaching page to watch the latest recordings. If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or about visiting our church, please contact us!

Bring-and-Share Lunches

Once a month we enjoy the opportunity to relax and share lunch and together after the morning service. There’s always plenty of food to go around, so don’t worry if you come unprepared – everyone is welcome to stay.

Whilst coffee and desert are being served, children have the opportunity to join our Children’s Club from 1-2pm where they will enjoy Bible teaching, crafts and other activities. You can find out more about out Children’s Club here.

Bring-and-Share Lunch Dates 2024

Date Activities
September None
October 13th 12pm: Lunch & Student Welcome
October 20th

12pm: Lunch & Student Welcome

1-2pm: Children’s Club

November 10th

12pm: Bring & Share Lunch

1-2pm: Children’s Club

December 1st

12pm: Bring & Share Lunch

1-2pm: Children’s Club