Contact us
Email us:
Call us:
01865 238307
Visit us:
North Gate Hall
18 St Michael’s Street

We take the safeguarding and care of children, young people, victims of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults very seriously. If anyone is in immediate danger, call the police on 999 straight away.
If you have any concerns about the well-being of a child or vulnerable adult or about something at church that is not right, please contact our Staff Safeguarding Lead, Ruth Martin, as soon as possible.
Support Us
Sign up for the Oxford Pres Prayer letter [Mail chimp sign up link]
UK-based donations
UK-based (GBP) donations to Oxford Pres are managed on our behalf by Stewardship and are eligible for Gift Aid.
US-based donations
US-based (USD) donations to Oxford Pres are managed on our behalf by National Christian Foundation (NCF). NCF is a US 501(c)3 charity and all donations made through them are tax deductible.

Get Involved
Oxford Pres is a growing community that wants to take on new challenges and meet need. If you’re coming to church needing help or feeling burned out, with God enabling, we want to serve you. If you’re coming to church ready to grow by serving we want to help you find a way to help others.
Why not start by joining one of our services or contacting us for a chat? We would love to get to know you better and to begin to help you get integrated and to find your feet in Christ with us.